National Security in a World of Robust State Power
2:05 PM – 2:45 PM Thursday June 6, 2024
This session will explore the growing trend of state and local level government officials contributing a larger role in a range of national security and foreign policy issues as a part of a new project on 21st century federalism, led by Senior Fellow Carrie Cordero.
Under the umbrella of CNAS’s Securing U.S. Democracy Initiative, the project will bring together constitutional law scholars, national security practitioners, and policy experts at the federal and state levels to assess the national and homeland security implications in an era of robust exercise of state power.
Carrie Cordero
Robert M. Gates Senior Fellow, CNAS
Samantha Vinograd
Partner, Geopolitical Lead, Brunswick Group
Corin R. Stone
Former Principal Deputy General Counsel, Department of Defense